雖然「我不知道」只是僅僅四個中文字,但如果只會說 I don’t know 的話是絕對不夠的,因為在不同場合、不同情緒的情況下用法會不一樣!這次文章將分成通用篇、組員討論篇、生活回話篇、老闆老師回答篇來介紹,一起來挑戰看看你會幾種「我不知道」的說法吧!


1. I don’t know.

2. I’m not sure.

3. I have no idea.
(感覺上會比 I don’t know 更強烈一點)

4. I haven’t a clue.

5. I haven’t got a clue.

A: Excuse me, do you know when the bus will come?
B: Oh, I haven’t got a clue. I’m a foreigner, too.

6. I haven’t the faintest idea.

7. I haven’t got the faintest idea.

I don’t know 其實有更多你不知道的用法!

雖然單回 I don’t know. 很枯燥乏味,但是只要在後面加上一個小子句,感覺就不一樣!除了能表達更準確的意思之外,還能隨著後面子句的變化去形容不同的人/事/時/地/物喔。快來看看國外老師怎麼說!


被問到不會的東西,如果只回 I don’t know 的話,很容易讓人覺得你沒耐心、不禮貌(但是人家剛好就只會說 I don’t know 而已嘛不然是要怎樣…哭哭)這樣真的超 NG !為了不讓對方誤解你的意思,就要學會下面這些代替語句,因為有加上 find out、check on sth. 等等動作,承諾了你待會會補做的事情,不但會讓你聽起來誠意滿分,還能好感度 up up !

1. Let me check on that.

2. I’ll get back to you on that one.

3. I’ll find out and let you know.

4. Let me find out for you.

5. I’ll double check and let you know.

6. That’s a really good question. Let me check on that.

7. That’s a really good question. I’ll find out.

8. I haven’t looked at that yet.

A: Hey, could you tell me how to write this homework?
B: I haven’t look at that yet, but I’ll finish it by Monday.

9. That requires a bit more research first.

10. I’m going to investigate that further.

11. I’m not 100% sure on that.

12. I can find out for you.

13. Let me look that up for you.

14. I don’t have that information here right now.

15. There are several possible answers, I’ll need more information first.

16. That’s something I want you to find out for yourself!


1. What do YOU think?

2. What do you suggest?

3. How should I know?

4. Don’t ask me.

5. Search me.

6. Who knows?

7. It’s anyone’s guess.

A: Do you know when humans would extinct?
B: It’s anyone’s guess.

8. Your guess is as good as mine.

9. Not as far as I know.

10. I’ve been wondering the same thing!

11. I haven’t had time to think that through yet.

12. It beats me.

Why did she say that to me? It beats me.


無論是在辦公室老闆不時神來一筆,問一個超詫異的問題;還是在學校上課的時候,老師突然點名要你回答,這種在毫無準備的情況下即便腦袋空空,也千萬不能只回 I don’t know 啊!不然老闆/老師就會覺得你敷衍了事,根本沒有上進心;不過,只要你能在後面多加一句話或換個說法,效果馬上從負面逆轉成正面!快來學學要怎麼在這種尷尬時刻回答得漂亮吧。

1. That’s an important question and I don’t want to give you a half answer. Let me get back to you on that by the end of the day.

2. Let me be sure I understand which information you’re looking for…

3. I want to be sure and give you the correct information. Let me check.

4. That’s not my area of expertise, I’ll ask…

5. Great question.  I’m just not familiar enough with ___ to hazard a guess.  Let me connect you with…

6. That’s a timely question because I’m currently gathering information on ___…

7. I’m probably not the best person to answer ___.

8. I can answer that in part, but would like to consider it further and get back to you.

9. It could be one of many possibilities, I’ll look into it.

10. I can’t remember off the top of my head. I’ll get back to you on that.

11. I’m not sure I’m the best person to answer that.

12. That’s exactly what I’m seeking to answer.

13. Based on what we know today, my thoughts are…
